Sunday, July 8, 2012

VeriFace Setup

VeriFace Setup | 30 Mb

VeriFace is a Software lock windows We own face. This time I will discuss how to lock the windows in your own face. how exciting is it? especially if you are idle as a friend. if you want to know how? keep how does it work? let us discuss in this article.
Various kinds of software you must have installed to beautify your computer in terms of both graphics and in terms of function. Here I will discuss the software for a laptop that has a camera (webcam). also quite exciting because using this software, especially if you want to store your personal data dilaptop and do not want to be known by anyone (personal data? what?).

than by using a fingerprint to lock your windows, or often called Finger Print, now you can also lock your windows by simply using a webcam Darin your own laptop. So when your laptop is turned on, the webcam will automatically detect the image around to look for his master's face, after he was detected, so if true that is in front of his master, windows will automatically open on its own

Password: tyoble


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